Product Photography by Akanjee

Women’s wear photography on ghost mannequin for eCommerce

Women’s wear photography on ghost mannequin

Women’s wear photography on ghostmannequin: Designer designs new cloths every season, specially for women. We can photograph your women’s wear for as low as £5.99 each photo. Ghost mannequin style will be provided. Even though each final ghost mannequin style photos will cost you just 5.99; we actually take several photos of your product to create one.
At this price will provide edited and optimised photo for your eCommerce website or eBay and Amazon stores.

The ghost mannequin effect has many benefits for online sellers. It helps you save money and time by eliminating the need for hiring models or renting different sizes of mannequins. It also helps you create a consistent and professional look for your product images, which can boost your brand image and customer trust. And most importantly, it helps you highlight the features and details of your products, such as the shape, fit, texture, and stitching, which can increase conversions and sales.

Our standard Product photography pricing or cost:

  • 1 to 5 photos £9.99 pounds each photo
  • 6 to 10 photos £6.99 each photo
  • 11+ photos £4.99 each photo
  • 50+ photos £3.99 each photo

Please note this pricing is not totally relevant to the Ghost mannequin Photography but if you want Flat, birds eye images for your clothes you can consider this pricelist as guide. Ghost mannequin style final images will cost minimum £5.99 and for very long and complex dress designs will cost more according to complexity of work and time involved.

Women’s wear photography on ghostmannequin slideshow:

You can call us on 0749 265 21 61 or email Akanjee photography to: prophoto @ (please remove two spaces before and after @ ). You can also add this number 07492652161 to your whatsapp or Viber for quicker response.

Follow Akanjee photography on Instagram for model and portfolio photography.

Akanjee Photography is a professional photography service based in London. Led by the experienced photographer Akanjee, they specialize in capturing stunning and high-quality images of various products, ranging from jewellery to electronics. With over 15 years of experience, Akanjee Photography uses the latest equipment and techniques to showcase your products in the best possible light. Their competitive pricing and fast delivery ensure that your product photos meet the highest standards.