Akanjee photography Pricing or cost in detail:
Every shoot and requirements are different so prices may vary depending on the assignment, please feel free to contact & discuss. The price range for product photography in the UK often ranges from £160 to £450, however the exact amount will depend on the kind of product photography you want and how many or what kind of products you have. Akanjee made Product photography pricing/cost simple and affordable for you. No hidden charges, your photos will be ready to use because pricing includes photoshoot and all editing required to display and sell your product online or print brochure.
Our Product photography pricing or cost:
- 1 to 5 photos £9.99 pounds each photo
- 6 to 10 photos £6.99 each photo
- 11+ photos £4.99 each photo
- 50+ photos £3.99 each photo
You can call us on 0749 265 21 61 or email Akanjee photography to: prophoto @ akanjee.co.uk (please remove two spaces before and after @ ). You can also add this number 07492652161 to your whatsapp for quicker response.
Wedding, birthday, events and other parties photography pricing:
- Events and small weddings: Perfect for parties, birthdays, corporate events, holy ceremonies, graduations, family gatherings, etc. Photography starting at just £150 for 1hr
- Small Wedding or Birthday 3hrs Photography : £225 (no other hidden charges)
- Small Wedding 5-6hrs Photography: £399 (no other hidden charges)
- No hidden charges. Standard editing of photographs included.
Portrait (outdoor or location) photography pricing:
£160 for up to 2 hours (If just 1 hour, £100)
The session can be for model portfolios, editorial, fashion, head shots, profile pictures, couple, family or individual/general shots. You will receive 5 retouched photos and rest are RAW unedited.
You can choose the location, for example, a park, Tower Bridge, etc
Portrait (studio): £220 for up to 2 hours.
A 1-2 hour photo session in a professional studio. It can be portrait, glamour, portfolio, head shot, couple, product etc. You will receive 5 retouched photos and rest are RAW unedited.
Skin retouching is available for £12 per image (minimum order £36).
Travel fee: outside London minimum £50.
Personalised DVD with the photographs from the session: £20
For the portrait and studio session, the full price must be paid even if the session lasts less than 2 hours.
I reserve the right to use all the images for our portfolio on websites if not otherwise stated. For portrait sessions, the entire amount of the shoot must be paid even if it lasts less than 2 hours. The price is quoted for the package which includes the images and enhancing. The entire payment must be done before receiving the final images.
We do not store the digital photographs for unlimited time. After confirmation of receiving the photographs, we will hold them for another 3 months. After this, a surcharge will be asked if you need the photographs to be transferred again. The booking fee is non-refundable
The booking fee is non-refundable and for the studio session re-scheduling is available only if another booking fee is paid.
We can not store your samples of products unlimited time as it requires us to hire storage facility with extra cost so, it is strongly advised to arrange your goods return or collect from location within 3 months. Otherwise these samples will be considered as our property and we keep right to use or giveaway friends and family where possible or will be disposed accordingly.
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